How To Restore Your VPS From The Client Area

Did you backup your VPS recently but run into issues? This guide shows you how to restore your backup from the client area and fix the issue.

Let’s restore your VPS from the Client Area:

Now, Log in to your client area with the right credentials. After logging in, proceed to the services tab.

Restore Your VPS From The Client Area

Select the VPS you want to restore. On the next page, under VPS Management, click on Backups.

From the list that appears, select the backup you want to restore and wait for the process to complete.

You will receive an email of completion. It takes a while, but once done, your data is ready.

Here are some best practices for VPS backup and restore:

  • Decide what needs to be backed up. This includes your website files, databases, email, and other important data.
  • Choose a backup solution. There are many different backup solutions available, both commercial and open source. Some popular options include cPanel Backup, JetBackup, R1Soft, and CodeGuard.
  • Schedule regular backups. This will help to ensure that you have a recent backup in case of data loss.
  • Store your backups in a safe location. This could be an external hard drive, a cloud storage service, or another VPS.
  • Test your backups regularly. This will help to ensure that you can restore your data if needed.

Here are some additional tips for restoring a VPS backup:

  • Make sure that you have the correct backup. This is especially important if you have multiple backups.
  • Follow the instructions provided by your backup solution. Each solution will have its specific way of restoring backups.
  • Be patient. Restoring a VPS backup can take some time, especially if you restore a large amount of data.

Common mistakes people make when backing up and restoring a VPS:

  1. Not backing up enough data. This is a common mistake, as people often forget to back up important data like databases and email.
  2. Not scheduling regular backups. This can lead to data loss if something happens to your VPS and you don’t have a recent backup.
  3. Not storing backups in a safe location. This could lead to data loss if your backups are lost or corrupted.
  4. Not testing backups regularly. This leads to problems when you try to restore your data, as you may not be sure if the backups are working properly.

Restore your backup today instantly.

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