Troubleshooting Blank Pages in WordPress

Troubleshooting BlankPages in WordPress

Blank pages are also referred to the white screen of death because whenever they occur they leave you panicked wondering where your content might be. This can be caused by a memory limit exhaustion, database and coding errors. The important thing during such times is to know where your wp-Debug icon is so as to switch it on. Malfunctioning Plugins and themes are also a major cause whenever they are undergoing a modification and its wise to deactivate them when the when the screen appears. Supposing your dashboard is also showing the white screen, just consider using the FTP(file transfer protocol) to log in and delete the plugin. As for the theme, it can be reverted to resolve this problem.

  Use the steps below to deactivate the plugins manually;

  • login to the Cpanel
  • Navigate to file manage -public-html-and click on wp-content. Incase there is a plugin click on wp-content/plugin
  • To delete/deactivate it ,rename the plugin by clicking on rename .








  • Give it a different name







  • If the problem persists delete plugins each at their own time until the root cause is known.
  • Finally, remember to restore the names of the original plugins.

To deactivate malfunctioning themes

  • Login to cpanel
  • Go to file manager -public-html-wp-content. Click on themes and note the recent default theme name. They should read as below




  • Go back to cpanel and click on PhpMyadmin in the databases section
  • on the left tool bar click on usernames with wp-options

The table should have columns and rows as below

  • Option value shows current theme
  • In the option- name ,theres template and stylesheet rows. Double click the option value settings and type the recent theme in the template you obtained above and enter. Repeat the same for stylesheet rows. This should make your website pages to work properly.

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