How To Resolve ‘Your Website Redirected Too Many Times’ SSL Error

Websites have become a part of our daily activities. Today, we’ll share how to resolve too many redirects error from an SSL.

An SSL is a secure socket layer that encrypts data and protects it from unauthorized access in transit between two servers.

Using an SSL will benefit you by:

  • Security: SSL encrypts data so that anyone else cannot read it. Helps to protect sensitive information from being intercepted by hackers.
  • Trust: An SSL certificate on a website tells visitors that the site is secure and that they can trust it with their personal information.
  • Authenticates the servers and binds them with the correct key to allow them to communicate effectively.

Using an SSL makes your site secure, reliable, and trustworthy. It makes it easy to transact safely, and privacy is safe.

Often when browsing sometimes, we run into errors. Errors such as ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS happen, which is disappointing.

Too many redirects error

It prevents one from accessing a website! However, here are the causes of this;

  1. Misconfigured redirects- if the redirects on a website are not configured correctly, it can cause the browser to get stuck in a redirect loop.
  2. Expired or invalid cookies- if the cookies on a website expire or are invalid, it can also cause the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error.
  3. Browser extensions- some browser extensions can also interfere with redirects and cause errors.
  4. Third-party services- if a website uses third-party services that involve redirects, these services can also cause errors.
  5. Server problems- in some cases, the error can also be because of problems with the web server.

Seven fixes to the website redirected too many times

1. Clear browser cookies and cache

Start by clearing your browser’s cookies and cache. Sometimes, stored redirect information or outdated cache can cause conflicts. 

Clearing these can help resolve the issue. Proceed to your browser’s settings, search cache, and click to clear it.

Cleared cookies will have you log in to your sites again. Once done, revisit your site and check to see if it works.

2. Check SSL certificate configuration

Verify that your SSL certificate is correctly installed and configured. Ensure that the certificate is valid and matches the domain name you are accessing. 

Ensure the SSL certificate chain is correctly installed. The chain should include the SSL, intermediate, and root certificates. 

If any of these components are missing or incorrectly configured, it can cause redirection issues.

You can use SSL checker tools like DigiCert or SSLshopper to validate your certificate and identify potential issues.

3. Update website URLs

If you recently implemented SSL and are experiencing the error, update all internal website URLs to HTTPS protocol. 

Resolve mixed content Issues; mixed content occurs when your website loads secure (HTTPS) and non-secure (HTTP) elements. 

Causes conflicts and triggers the redirection error. Use tools like the “Developer Console” in your browser to identify and fix mixed content issues.

Ensure all resources, such as images, scripts, and stylesheets, load over HTTPS. Updating links in your content, theme files, database, and any custom code. 

Ensure that all references to HTTP change to HTTPS. HTTPS protocol protects your website and ensures privacy.

4. Check redirect rules

It includes examining your web server settings, .htaccess file, or redirection plugins if you use a content management system like WordPress. 

Ensure that there are no conflicting or infinite redirect loops. They cause loops that run infinitely and prevent the browser from fetching and delivering data.

5. Disable conflicting plugins or themes

If you’re using a content management system like WordPress, turn off any plugins or themes that might be causing conflicts. 

Temporarily switch to a default theme and deactivate plugins individually to identify the culprit. Test the website after each deactivation to see if the error persists.

6. Check server configuration

Examine your server configuration to ensure it is properly set up to handle HTTPS requests and redirects. 

Consult your hosting provider or server administrator to verify that server settings align with the SSL certificate and redirection rules.

7. Test in Incognito Mode

Use your browser’s incognito or private browsing mode to test your website. Helps determine if the error is related to cached data or cookies stored on your regular browser.

If you’ve tried the above steps and are still experiencing the issue, contact your SSL certificate provider or web hosting support for assistance. 

They can offer specific guidance based on your setup and help identify underlying issues. 

Resolving the Too Many Redirects Error

While there isn’t a guaranteed solution for preventing a “too many redirects” error, there are actions you can take to address and resolve it promptly. 

By promptly addressing these errors, you can ensure that visitors can seamlessly browse, navigate, and engage with your website.

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