A Fix for Joomla 3 Not Sending Emails

Have you installed Joomla, but then you are not able to send out emails? This is a guide on how you can properly configure Joomla to send emails. For this illustration, we will assume that our domain is example.com. For you, please use your actual domain name.

1. You need to create an email for your domain in your Cpanel. E.g. for our domain example.com, our email could be [email protected]. This is the email that Joomla will utilize when sending out emails

2. Sign in to your Joomla Admin dashboard. Normally you do this by typing on your browser, yourDomainName/administrator, e.g. example.com/administrator

3. Once in the dashboard, click on System, in the top navigation.

4. Click on Global Configuration, from the drop-down menu

5. From the tabs, click on Server. This will open various sections

6. Under the Mail Settings, enter the following details;

Send Mail: Yes

Disable Mass Mail: (Your choice)

From Email: [email protected]
Please change [email protected] to a valid email address that you created for your joomla domain

From Name: (Choose a name)
Enter the name you’d like to appear in the From field of the email messages.

Mailer: SMTP

SMTP Host: (Hostname of your server, e.g. sbg103.truehost.cloud). Note: When you create an email in the Cpanel, there is the first email that is usually sent t you with SMTP details. Among them is the outgoing and incoming mail servers. Check and use that in this section. If you are having a VPS, use the hostname of your VPS.

SMTP Port: 587


SMTP Authentication: Yes

SMTP Username: (Full email address of the email account)
SMTP Password: (Password of the email account)

Below is a video illustration of the steps.

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