How To Check Email Headers For cPanel Emails

Emails are one of the best ways to communicate. However, some malicious people use them to cause harm to many.

To be safe, one needs to check email headers. Email headers come to the rescue to unravel the mysteries behind these problems. 

Email headers contain a wealth of information about an email’s origin, path, and delivery status. Gain valuable insights and effectively troubleshoot any email-related issues by checking email headers.

Understanding email headers

Email headers serve as the backbone of an email message. They are hidden behind the scenes but hold a wealth of crucial information.

Email headers contain fields and values that provide details about the message. These headers include;

  • Information about the sender
  • Recipient
  • Date and time of sending
  • Email servers involved in the delivery process
  • Unique identifiers for the message.

Simply put, email headers are like an envelope for your email. Just as an envelope contains the sender and recipient addresses, postal stamps, and other details, email headers contain similar information in digital format. 

These details will give you a route map for the email from when it was sent to delivery.

Checking email headers for cPanel emails

cPanel is a widely used web hosting control panel that offers a range of features, including robust email functionality. 

To access your cPanel email accounts, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by logging into your cPanel account using your credentials. It involves visiting a specific URL and entering your username and password.
Log in cPanel

In case you don’t recall your password, click on Reset Password and follow the prompts given.

  1. Once logged in, navigate to the Email section. The location may vary depending on your cPanel theme or layout.
cPanel Email accounts

Select the specific email account from the list for which you want to check the headers. Within the Email section, you will find three options; click on check email.

  1. Proceed to open Roundcube

It’s where your emails reside in cPanel. 

cPanel Webmail
  1. Select the email you want to check 

Under the “More tab,” select show source. On this page, get detailed information about the email received.

check email headers

Here is a snippet of what you’ll see:

check email headers

Analyzing Email Headers

  • Sender and Recipient Details- email headers contain information about the sender and recipient(s) involved in the email exchange. It includes the sender’s and all recipients’ email addresses, allowing you to verify the involved parties.
  • Date and Time Stamps- the header’s timestamps provide important chronological information. You can determine when email servers along the delivery path send, receive, and process the email.
  • Server and Routing Information- Email headers reveal the servers where the email traveled from the sender to the recipient. This information helps trace the email’s path and identify potential bottlenecks or issues during delivery.
  • Message ID and Tracking Information: Each email has a unique message ID included in the headers. This ID is a tracking mechanism and can locate the email in server logs or track its progress through various systems.

Summing up;

Email headers are crucial information that verifies emails. By accessing email headers in cPanel, gain valuable insights into email delivery, authentication, and potential risks. 

With this knowledge, ensure smooth communication within your cPanel environment. So, next time you encounter an email-related problem, remember to dive into the depths of email headers for a deeper understanding and effective resolution.

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