How to backup a website at Bluehost

Creating a backup of your WordPress site and files is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with just a few clicks.

#1. To begin, access your cPanel and log in using your credentials. 

#2. Once logged in, navigate to the ‘Files’ section by scrolling down, then locate and click on the ‘Site Backup & Restore’ icon.

#3. Within the Site Backup & Restore section, choose the ‘Full cPanel Backup’ option. 

#4. Next, select the desired starting date for your backup. This will determine the point from which the backup will be created.

#5. Now, it’s time to specify the file format or archive type for the backup. You can choose between formats such as zip or tar. Select the preferred option by clicking on it.

#6. Finally, initiate the backup process by downloading and saving the backup file. This will ensure that your WordPress site and files are securely backed up for future reference and restoration, if needed.

By following these procedures, you can effortlessly generate reliable backups of any file and conveniently download them to your computer from the comfort of your own home. 

The process only requires a few steps and a few minutes of your time, saving you from potential distress and frustration. 

If you encounter any difficulties while creating a backup, don’t hesitate to reach out to Bluehost for assistance.

Remember, performing regular backups for your website is imperative to prevent data loss. With WordPress hosting services like Bluehost, this task has become more accessible for users. 

You can easily create duplicate copies of your recent backups to add an extra layer of security. Furthermore, Bluehost provides seamless integration of SSL for enhanced website protection.

Alternatively, you can opt for an external backup mechanism such as BlogVault to safeguard your WordPress website.

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