How To Create A Zip File In cPanel

How do I create a zip file in cPanel? It’s easier than you think. It involves a few steps to make it happen and have files zipped.

This post will explore the steps in creating a zip, best practices, and file management efficiency. Zip files are vital for file management and organization. 

It’s easy to compress multiple files into a single archive. Creating zip files becomes a seamless process with cPanel, a popular web hosting control panel. 

Here is how to create a zip file in cPanel

1. Login to cPanel

To create a zip file in cPanel, you must first log in to your cPanel account using your provided credentials. 

cPanel login page

In case you lost your credentials, click on reset password. Enter your username and proceed to reset your password.

You’ll get an email, proceed and finish your password update. 

2. Get to the file manager

Once logged in, navigate to the File Manager section. This powerful tool enables you to manage and manipulate files and directories on your website.

Understand the directory structure within cPanel’s File Manager for smooth navigation.  Open directories and explore their contents by clicking on the folder icons.

cPanel File Manager

The file manager is well-detailed; one can search, proceed to settings, or even navigate other files and folders.

3. Select files and directories

Before creating a zip file, select the specific files and directories you want to include. Choose individual files by clicking on them, or select multiple files by holding down the Ctrl (or command) key while clicking on each file. 

Additionally, you can choose entire directories, simplifying the process of compressing entire folders.

create a zip file in cPanel

Choose the extension type and proceed to compress. In this case, we will use ZIP.

4. Creating a zip file

Press the compress button and wait for it to complete. This process is usually fast for small files. Once done, you’ll get this:

create a zip file in cPanel completion

5. Verify the zip file creation

Confirming the successful operation is crucial after initiating the zip file creation process. Take a moment to verify that the zip file has been created as intended.

Do this by navigating to the specified destination directory and locating the newly created zip file. Download it to your local computer, extract and view the contents.

Alternatively, select the zip and click on view to see logs or extract it to your directory and see the files. It’s that easy to create a zip file in cPanel.

6. Extracting files from a zip file

In cases where you need to extract files from a zip file, cPanel’s File Manager simplifies the process. 

Access the File Manager and navigate to the directory containing the zip file. Select the zip file and choose the “Extract” option. 

Specify the destination directory where the extracted files should be placed. cPanel will then remove the files, restoring them to their original format and location.

7. Managing zip files

cPanel offers various options for handling zip files. If you need to rename a zip file for improved organization or clarity, simply locate the file in the File Manager, select the “Rename” option, and provide the new name.

Similarly, you can move a zip file to a different directory within the File Manager, ensuring it resides in the desired location. 

If a zip file is no longer needed, you can delete it using the appropriate option.

Seven practices for working with zip files in cPanel

Consider implementing these best practices to optimize your file management workflow with zip files in cPanel:

1. Organize files before creating zip files

Before creating a zip file, take the time to organize your files into logical folders and subfolders. This organization will make locating specific files when needed and maintain a structured file system easier.

It saves time, and one can move files quickly.

2. Regularly back up important files

Zip files can effectively protect data by creating backups of your important files. Develop a routine backup schedule and include relevant files and directories in your zip file backups. 

This practice will safeguard your data in case of unexpected events or data loss.

3. Check the zip file contents

Before finalizing the creation of a zip file, double-check its contents to ensure that all necessary files are included. 

Missing files can lead to data loss or incomplete backups. Take a moment to review the selected files and directories to avoid any omissions.

4. Password-protect zip files

Consider password protection to add an extra layer of security to your zip files. cPanel allows you to set a password for your zip files, preventing unauthorized access. 

Choose a strong and unique password to maximize the security of your archived files.

5. Adjust compression settings

cPanel offers options to adjust the compression settings when creating zip files. These settings determine the level of compression applied to the files. 

Consider your specific needs and balance file size and extraction time. Experiment with different compression settings to find the optimal balance for your situation.

6. Include or exclude specific files or directories

In typical scenarios, you may include or exclude particular files or directories from your zip files. cPanel allows you to customize the contents of your zip files to suit your requirements. 

Utilize this feature to fine-tune the files in the archive, ensuring you only include what is necessary.

7. Maintain an organized file structure within zip files

When extracting files from a zip file, maintain an organized one. Create directories and subdirectories as needed to preserve the original hierarchy and organization of the files. 

This practice facilitates file management and makes locating specific files within the extracted archive easier.

Wrap up;

It was that easy to create a zip file in cPanel, as seen. Creating and managing zip files in cPanel is a simple yet powerful feature streamlines file organization and compression. 

Through the File Manager, you can easily access various functions like creating, extracting, and managing zip files. 

Use the steps outlined and fully utilize cPanel’s capabilities to improve your file management efficiency and ensure a smooth website experience. 

Embrace the convenience of zip files in cPanel and revolutionize your file management practices today.

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