SSL Certificate installation procedure

Procedure to install SSL certificate for your website

1.Login to client area on Truehost
Click on my services and select the SSL you want to install.
-Click generate certificate now button
-Fill details as below
-Select your web server: CPANEL/WHM
a) To get CSR, login to your cpanel for the domain you are securing with SSL
Create an email address “admin@yourdomain” e.g [email protected]
Uunder security select TLS/SSL
d) Under Certificate signing request (CSR) Click generate
Fill in details on form that appears as below:
Key-generate 2048key
Domains:domain name you are securing
City:Your city name
State/country:your country name
Company: your company name/domain name without its extension
-Company division:IT
Email:The admin email address you created in step 2b
Pass phrase:domain name
Description:domain name
-Click generate button
3.Copy the CSR content(details between the begin and end certificate request)


4. go back to client area and paste the CSR on box provided
-Choose Signature Algorithm:SHA-2
-Then ‘click to continue’
-Select certificate approver email as the admin@domainname
-Cclick to Continue
5.Go to the email admin@yourdomain
-Click the approver link sent from the SSL provider
-Select I approve
-Now your SSL certificate will be sent to email address admin@yourdomainname
6.Download the SSL .Zip file sent to your email
-Alternatively download certificate from client area
7. Open the .zip file and copy the certificate with domainname.crt
8. Paste the certificate(domainname.crt) to your desktop
9. To Complete installation,login to cpanel again
-Under security,select TLS/SSL
-Under certificates,click generate certificates
-Upload a new certificate
-Browse the certificate on desktop
– Save
-Under install and manage SSL,Go to Manage SSL sites
-Select the SSL you uploaded
-Click Install button

Create .htaccess file on cpanel, Under File Manager, public_html and paste the following:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_


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