How to install a wildcard SSL Oon CPANEL

Table of Contents

Requirements: #

For this guide you are required to have gone through the following guides.

  1. How to generate a Certificate Signing Request on the CPANEL
  2. How to install a premium ssl from the Truehost Client area


  1. Generating a CSR

    When generating your CSR for a wildcard ssl you need to ensure you specify the domain different.
    The domain should have an asterisk (*) just before it, like *

  2. Accessing the ssl upload section on CPANEL

    Once you have generated your certificate, following the second guideline provided above. Go back to your CPANEL and access the Security section>>> SSL/TLS>>> Certificate(CRT) . Follow the images provided below.

  3. Browser for the certificate you just downloaded from the Truehost client area.

    It is recommended that you add a comment/description for the certificate while uploading it.

  4. Click on upload certificate to upload the certificate

  5. Check and click INSTALL on the SSL you have just uploaded at the top of the page.

    Go back to the page once the upload is done, there is usually a link for this. Check on the listing of the ssl at the top of the page.

  6. Installing the certificate

    For this step when you click install a choice of the domain and the subdomain is listed on a drop down on the page.
    Remember the best thing about a wild card ssl is that you can be able to install it on all the subdomains you have for the domain.
    Therefore on the drop down list, you can choose which will install on the default that appears, then repeat from step 6 over and over till you have installed on every subdomain on the hosting. Refer to the images below for a visual on the same.

  7. Click on install certificate to install it once you have chosen

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