How to deploy Django web application on shared hosting (Cpanel)


  1. Compressed website files (tested and working on localhost). Zip format
  2. requirements.txt (a list of the Django packages for your application)


  1. Login to your Cpanel; Under Software, select ‘Setup python App’

2. Click on ‘Create Application’

3. In the create Application Page :

  1. Python Version: Select the python version (Depending with the version you used to develop your web application. It is advisable you use the latest version)
  2. Application root: Set the root application folder for your application. It is advisable to use the domain name.
  3. Application Url: select the domain on which you wish to install the Django application on.
  4. Leave the other fields blank; they will be pre-filled once the application has been created; then click on ‘CREATE’

4. Copy the highlighted text below for use in a later stage

5. Navigate to the root folder of your project and upload the compressed project
folder; extract the files.

6. On your root directory; select and edit ; delete the content and
add the following line;

from testproject.wsgi import application
where testproject is the folder containing the wsgi file, usually the parent folder created by django-admin startproject testproject

7. On your cpanel homepage, select terminal under Advanced group

8. Paste the text copied in step 4. -If you did not copy, go back to setup python app
script and click edit application and copy the link. This launches the virtual
environment created for our Django project; ready to execute commands and run
the following lines of code;

I. pip install -r requirements.txt → to install all the modules for our project
II. python makemigrations → To create project tables
III. python migrate → to map project tables to our database
IV. python createsuperuser → To create an super user /administrator

V. python collectstatic → To map django static files in the respective
folders ; -This is defined during development

9. Navigate back to the root folder for your project; and locate the parent folder ,
testproject in this case, select and edit the and edit the following line;

I. ALLOWED_HOSTS = [‘enter your domain name here eg’]
II. DEBUG = False → Let this remain True for debugging but do not forget to
turn it off when done ;

In this stage, our site should be up . When DEBUG= True, we will be able to tell in case
there is an issue .

Lastly, you will realize that if you try to access the admin page;
the static files may be missing.

To fix this click on F12 on your computer; here you will see where your site is trying to retrieve
the static files; This depends on the location you had set in your . Copy
the django default static files to the respective folder for the static files to load correctly.
Lastly in the , remember to set DEBUG to False DEBUG = False

Quick Troubleshooting

If your site still throws errors; ( server error 500) launch the terminal (step 7 and step 8) and enter the
following command:

python runserver

In case of server error 503, recreate the python application using a lower/higher python version.

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