Yes, it is possible to plan for your web hosting upgrade, however, due to busy schedules, we may forget to plan for upgrades.
Here is how to check the resources usage on your hosting account.
Login using Cpanel credentials provided by Truehost hosting provider.
Search using the term ‘ usage’
cpanel hosting resource usage
Go to the specific resource you need to confirm.
For example:
If your hosting mainly deals with emails, check email disk usage to know which users are high consumers.
If hosting deals with hosting websites or applications, check disk usage.
If working with both websites and emails, check all the resources such as disk usage, email usage and Inodes usage on resources usage (resources such as speed,PMEM, IO,EP,IOPS,NPROC)
cpanel resource utilization
To interpret the report on Usage on image above : Find meaning of initials below:
Where the values A,L represent A =average, L= Limit .
To find the specific resource limits features for your web hosting package visit Truehost acceptable Usage Policy
IO (Input/Output) per second meaning how much data you can read/write per second.
IOPS represents the IO limit assigned for your package.
NPROC is the number of processes per account.
PMEM is the memory allocated per process.
SPEED refers to the percentage of CPU.
EP refers to entry processes.
Inode limit/ File usage refers to the number of files and folders stored in your cPanel, consisting of files that you upload and the files that are created by the system.
For example, when you store an email, it will count as one inode/file.
But if you have 2 emails, 3 folders, 1 image, and 5 other HTML/PHP files, your total inode usage
is higher since they comprise items of different file types.
(2 emails=2 node) + (3 folders=3 nodes)+(1 image=1 node)+(5 other PHP/HTML files = 5nodes)
2+3+1+5=11 files/nodes