About .website Domains

Are you thinking of having your website? Maybe you’re a budding photographer, a passionate baker, or just have a killer idea you want to share with the world. 

But before you dive into website creation, there’s one crucial step: choosing your domain name. Think of your domain name as your online address.

It’s what people will type into their browser to find your website, so it needs to be memorable and reflect your brand. That’s where “.website” domains come in!

What about these .website Domains?

Imagine a world where “.com” isn’t the only option. With “.website” domains, you get a clear, descriptive address that tells everyone exactly what you’re about. 

It’s perfect for anyone who wants a straightforward and easy-to-remember domain name.

Who can register it?

“.Website” domains are open to everyone, providing individuals and businesses a unique opportunity to establish their online presence. 

They are suitable for seasoned business owners, creative freelancers, and hobbyists seeking to share their interests with the world.


Registering a “.website” domain is effortless.  Think of it like getting a personalized mailbox online.  Companies called domain registrars handle this process.  

Truehost Cloud is a great option, offering a user-friendly interface and helpful support to guide you through the steps.

Registration Restrictions:

There are a few minor restrictions to keep things organized online. They include:

  • Limit on domain length to between 3 and 63 characters.
  • Allowed characters are letters, numbers, and hyphens (-).
  • Not allowed characters are spaces or special characters (like @ or %).


Here’s the good news: “.website” domains are very affordable.  Registration fees are usually reasonable at just $2.44.  

Renewal fees are $22.84, and we will keep you updated before your domain expires. There are also transfer fees for transferring a domain name to a different registrar, but that’s not super common.

Let’s say you decide to switch domain registrars down the line. No worries!  You can usually transfer your “.website” domain to a new provider.  

Truehost Cloud makes this process smooth, but it’s always good to check with both the old and new registrars to ensure a seamless transition. 

Services like email linked to your domain might be affected during the transfer, so make sure to handle that part carefully. We support these transfers:

  1. Transfer into Truehost.
  2. Transfer away from Truehost.
  3. Transfer between Truehost accounts.

Please note that expired domains can’t be transferred; they must be active.

Refunds and Cancellations:

Our refund policy is clear outlining what situations qualify for a refund.  If you have any questions, their support team is happy to help.  

Cancellations are usually straightforward – just contact Truehost Cloud’s support, and they’ll guide you through the process.  

Once a domain is canceled, it becomes available for someone else to register, so if you have second thoughts, act fast!

So, there you have it! “.website” domains are a fantastic option for anyone looking to establish a clear and memorable online presence. 

They’re affordable, easy to register, and perfect for individuals, businesses, and everyone in between.

Ready to take the plunge and create your website? Head over to our homepage, we offer a variety of “.website” domains and website hosting plans to fit your needs.  

With our support team, you’ll be up and running online in no time, ready to share your awesomeness with the world!

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