About webcam Domains

Ever wished your website screamed, “Hey, I use a webcam here!”? Well, look no further than the nifty .webcam domain extension! 

Today, webcams have become an integral part of our lives. From video conferencing to live streaming, webcams have revolutionized the way we communicate and interact online. 

If you’re looking to create a strong online presence related to webcams, consider using a .webcam domain extension. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about .webcam domains.

So, what’s the deal with .webcam domains?

.webcam is a generic Top Level Domain perfect for audio & video or product websites. It opened for general availability in 2014.

Imagine having a web address that instantly tells visitors you’re all about live streaming, video conferencing, or anything webcam-related. 

That’s the power of a .webcam domain! It’s a clear and catchy way to stand out online, letting people know exactly what you offer.

Who can grab a .webcam domain?

Anyone can register a .webcam domain! Whether you’re a streamer, a business using video calls, or just someone who loves webcams, these domains are open for grabs.

The registration process for .webcam domains is simple. Many domain registrars like Truehost offer it and it’s usually similar to registering any other domain name.

Domain Name Rules: 

  1. Length: Your domain name can be anywhere from 1 to 63 characters long.
  2. Characters: You can use letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-).
  3. Spaces and special characters are not allowed.


  • Registration fees for .webcam domains are $11.62.
  • Renewal fees to keep your domain active each year are $11.62.
  • Transfer fees if you ever need to move it to a different registrar cost you $11.21.

Moving your .webcam domain to a different registrar is generally a straightforward process. The new registrar will guide you through the steps, which usually involve providing a transfer authorization code. 

Just remember, transferring might affect some services like email linked to your domain, so check with your current registrar beforehand.

We accept the following transfers:

  1. Transfer into Truehost.
  2. Transfer away from Truehost.
  3. Transfer between Truehost accounts.

Cancellations and Refunds:  

Review our refund policy to get a better understanding of refunds. Canceling a domain registration involves contacting our support team. 

They’ll walk you through the process, which is usually designed to be simple. Canceling a domain makes it available for others to register promptly.

A .webcam domain is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to establish a strong online presence in the world of webcams. 

It’s clear, memorable, and lets visitors know exactly what you’re about. Now that you’re armed with all the knowledge, head over to our homepage and grab your perfect .webcam domain today! 

Let the live streaming begin!

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