About .mobi Domains

.mobi domains are specialized domain names designed specifically for mobile websites. They optimize mobile experiences for easier website access on smartphones and tablets.

.mobi domains were introduced in 2005 by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

The aim was to create a dedicated namespace for mobile websites, distinct from traditional .com, .net, and .org domains.

.mobi domains are still relevant today, although their usage has declined somewhat in recent years.

.mobi domains have declined despite once being popular. Most websites transitioned to their main domains with responsive designs for mobile viewing.

Here are some of the reasons why. mobi domains have fallen out of favor:

  • Responsive design: Modern web design practices now emphasize responsive design, where a single website automatically adapts to different screen sizes and devices. This eliminates the need for separate .mobi domains.
  • SEO challenges: Search engines often treat .mobi domains as separate websites, making it difficult for them to rank as well as the main domain in search results.
  • User confusion: Many users simply don’t understand the purpose of .mobi domains and may be unsure whether to trust them.

Who can register .mobi Domains:

Anyone can register a .mobi domain name, regardless of their individual or business status, and from anywhere in the world. 

There are no specific restrictions on who can hold a .mobi domain.

.mobi domains pros and cons:

Pros of .mobi:

  1. Mobile-specific optimization: Although responsive design is dominant, a dedicated .mobi site could be specifically optimized for mobile devices, potentially offering faster loading times and a more streamlined user experience.
  2. Targeted marketing: A separate .mobi domain could be used for targeted mobile marketing campaigns, allowing for distinct messaging and content tailored to mobile users.
  3. Branding: In some cases, a .mobi domain could be used strategically to build a distinct brand identity for the mobile version of a website.
  4. Legacy support: If you have an existing .mobi website with established SEO and branding, transitioning away might not be worthwhile.


  1. SEO challenges: Search engines often prioritize the main domain, making it difficult for .mobi sites to rank competitively.
  2. User confusion: Many users are unfamiliar with .mobi domains, potentially leading to mistrust or difficulty finding your website.
  3. Maintenance complexity: Managing two separate websites adds complexity and cost.
  4. Limited adoption: With most major websites relying on responsive design, using .mobi appears outdated and niche.

Registration Requirements and Restrictions:

  • Open: There are no restrictions on who can register a .mobi domain. Individuals, businesses, and organizations from anywhere in the world are eligible.
  • Length: Domain names must be between 3 and 63 characters long.
  • Characters: Domains can use letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-), but cannot start or end with a hyphen.
  • IDN: Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) are currently not supported for .mobi domains.

Restrictions for .mobi Domain use:

Content: The website hosted on the .mobi domain must be specifically designed and optimized for mobile devices. This generally means:

  1. Using HTML5, CSS3, and other mobile-friendly technologies.
  2. Providing a simplified user interface and navigation optimized for smaller screens and touch interactions.
  3. Delivering content formatted appropriately for mobile devices.

Redirection: The primary domain (e.g., [invalid URL removed]) cannot redirect directly to the .mobi domain (e.g., yourcompany.mobi). 

However, you can set up user-agent detection, where users accessing the site from mobile devices are automatically redirected to the .mobi version.

Domain Registration and Renewal:

  • Price: The yearly registration fee varies. For example, $4.06 at Truehost, $4.48 for the first year at Namecheap, and $6.59 at GoDaddy.
  • Registrar of Record: Truehost, GoDaddy, Google Domains, Namecheap, NTC Hosting, and others.
  • Maximum Registration Period: 10 years, least registration period is 1 year.

Domain Renewal:

  • Price: The renewal fee also varies. For example, it’s $29.98 at Namecheap and $20 at Google Domains.
  • Renewal Grace Period: 30 days.
  • Restoration Grace Period: 30 days.
  • Auto-renew Grace Period: 15 days.

Transfers and Other Features:

  • Truehost supports the following transfers:
  • Transfers to Truehost.
  • Transfers away from Truehost; requires to auth code from the current registrar.
  • Transfers to another Truehost account.

Transferring a .mobi Domain:

  1. Standard Process: Transferring a .mobi domain is similar to transferring any other domain. You’ll need to initiate the transfer through your current registrar and provide the new registrar with the authorization code.
  2. Unlocking and Authorization Code: Ensure your domain is unlocked at your current registrar and obtain the authorization code before starting the transfer process.
  3. Timeframe: Transfers typically take 5-7 days to complete.
  4. Fees: Expect to pay transfer fees to both the old and new registrar.

Other features:

  • Domain Privacy: Like other domain extensions, you can purchase domain privacy protection to hide your personal information from public WHOIS records.
  • Email Hosting: Some registrars offer email hosting services specifically for .mobi domains, but consider if it aligns with your overall email strategy.
  • DNS Management: Manage your domain’s DNS settings to point your website and email to the desired servers.

.mobi domains optimize the user experience on smartphones and tablets. These domains were created to provide mobile websites with a unique online space.

Consider using a .mobi domain for dedicated mobile sites. Responsive web design and unified experiences have reduced their popularity.

Businesses considering .mobi domains should weigh the pros and cons. Factors like SEO, user confusion, and maintenance burden matter.

Optimizing the primary domain for mobile devices is often better than using a separate .mobi domain.

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