About .racing Domains

Imagine pulling into the virtual pit stop – your online destination for all things racing. But instead of a generic URL, you see a sleek  .racing domain.  

That’s the power of a  .racing domain – it cuts through the noise and lets racing enthusiasts know exactly where they’ve landed: a hub dedicated to the thrill of the race.  

.racing domains offer more than just an address; they’re a statement of passion for the sport.

What about .racing domains?

.racing domains are a specialized type of generic Top-Level Domain designed for motorsports and racing enthusiasts. 

They function similarly to familiar domains like .com or .org, acting as an ending extension for website addresses.

These domains emerged in recent years as part of an effort to expand the naming options available online. 

Before .racing, websites related to racing might have used generic options like .com or opted for location-specific domains (e.g., .co.uk for a UK racing team).  

.racing domains provides a more targeted and memorable alternative.

Availability and Registration:

Registering a .racing domain is generally accessible to anyone, regardless of affiliation. This includes professional race teams, hobbyists, and businesses in the racing industry.

.racing domains are subject to certain registration restrictions to ensure order and prevent abuse. These restrictions typically include:

  • Domain Length: The minimum domain length is 3 characters, and the maximum length is 63 characters.
  • Allowed Characters: Only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and hyphens (-) are allowed in .racing domain names.
  • Not Allowed Characters: Spaces, special characters (e.g., $, %, &, etc.), and non-ASCII characters are not allowed.
  • Reserved Words: Certain words or phrases may be reserved by the registry and unavailable for registration.

.racing domain related costs:

Consider the costs when using a .racing domain for your online presence:

  1. Registration: The initial registration fee for a .racing domain is $11.62.
  2. Renewal: Similar to registration, renewal fees for your .racing domain are the same.
  3. Transfer: A domain registrar transfer fee of $11.2 may be incurred when switching registrars.


Transferring a .racing domain to a new registrar is a straightforward process. Transferring a domain may cause a brief service interruption.

The process involves updating the domain’s nameservers, which point the domain name to the website’s hosting. 

For minimum downtime, follow the new registrar’s instructions to update nameservers. We accept these transfers:

  • Transfer into Truehost.
  • Transfer away from Truehost.
  • Transfer in between your Truehost accounts.

.racing Refunds and cancellations:

Refunds for .racing domains are subject to our refund policy. It is important to review the refund policy before making a purchase.

Canceling a .racing domain means discontinuing the registration. This will result in the domain name becoming available for registration by others.

Cancellation often occurs at the present registration period’s end. Canceling a .racing domain ends associated services like website hosting and emails.

If you have any questions or need assistance with refunds or cancellations, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Truehost Support. 

Our support team is available 24/7 to provide guidance and resolve any issues you may encounter.

In the speedy world of motorsports, a dedicated domain can help you attract the right audience, be it a team, hobbyist, or business.

Ready to take your online racing presence to the checkered flag? Visit our homepage, search, and register your perfect .racing domain. 

With a little research and the right domain name, you can create a powerful online hub that celebrates the thrill of the race.  So, don’t settle for a generic address – shift into high gear with a .racing domain!

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