About .codes Domains

Do you need a tech-savvy domain name that stands out? Calling all code warriors, coupon clippers, and tech enthusiasts! 

There’s a new sheriff in town: .codes domains! Think of it as your digital badge for anything tech or code-related. 

Whether you’re a programmer, discount ninja, or building the next big tech empire, a .codes domain instantly tells the world what you’re all about.

What are .code Domains?

.code domains are designed for people and businesses in the tech industry. They signify a tech-savvy company that is up-to-date with the latest trends.

.code domains are versatile and can be used for various purposes, including creating tech company websites, tech blogs, and more.

Availability and Registration:

.codes domains are available for registration to anyone. You can register a .codes domain through a domain registrar like Truehost. 

The registration process is similar to registering any other domain name. Here are some registration restrictions to consider:

  • Choose a name that is not already registered. 
  • The name can be up to 63 characters long 
  • The domain name includes letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  • Special characters like & or # are prohibited.

.code Domain costs:

The cost of registering a .codes domain is only $4.64 per year. .codes domains can be used for websites, emails, or domain forwarding.

Renewing your .codes domain is a simple process and ensures that you own the domain. It will cost you $49.36 for a year.

Transfers also are accepted which cost $47.93. We support these transfers in Truehost:

  1. Transfer into Truehost.
  2. Transfer away from Truehost.
  3. Transfer in between your Truehost accounts.

Also, remember the process takes some time and the domain-related services may be interrupted for a while.

Refunds and cancellations:

We understand that circumstances change, and you may need to cancel your .codes domain registration. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on purchases.

Please review our refund policy for more. You can cancel your .codes domain registration at any time. Cancel .codes registration by contacting support. 

We will be happy to assist you with the cancellation process. Unleash the power of .codes! This fresh domain extension instantly tells the world your website lives and breathes code. 

Whether you’re a programmer building the next big thing, a coding boot camp shaping future developers, or a tech enthusiast hunting down the best deals, a .codes domain speaks volumes. 

It’s unique, memorable, and screams professionalism in the tech world. If your brand or website revolves around code, discounts, or the cutting edge, a .codes domain is your perfect match. 

Claim your digital space and stand out – start searching for your perfect .codes domain today!

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