About .cloud Domains

In today’s digital age, everything is moving to the cloud. Businesses of all sizes are ditching bulky servers and embracing the flexibility and scalability of cloud-based solutions.  

From storing data to running applications, the cloud is the new normal. But how does your online presence reflect this shift?  

While .com domains have dominated for decades, a new option is emerging: the  .cloud domain.

What are .cloud Domains?

.cloud domains have become popular along with cloud technology. They are a specific type of web address that acts as an online identifier for your website, specifically focusing on cloud-based businesses and services.

A .cloud domain reflects that a business operates in cloud computing, communicating modernity and technical expertise.

Who can register it?

.cloud domains are easily accessible. Unlike some specialized domain extensions, anyone can register a .cloud domain name without restrictions. 

The registration process follows a first-come, first-served basis.

Availability and Costs of .cloud Domains:

As mentioned .cloud domains are open for registration to anyone, however here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Domain Length: .cloud domains must be between 3 and 63 characters long.
  • Allowed Characters: Only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-) are allowed in .cloud domain names.
  • Disallowed Characters: Spaces, underscores (_), and other special characters are prohibited in .cloud domain names.
  • Reserved Names: Certain names e.g.; example, admin are reserved by the registry or other organizations, and therefore may not be available for registration.


The cost of registering a .cloud domain is $3.76 per year. We offer discounts for .cloud domain registration on multiple-year registration.

Renewal costs are slightly high as it costs $17.74 per year. Renew your domain to keep it active and maintain ownership.

.cloud transfers from Truehost will cost you $17.84. Remember to contact the support team to smoothen the process.

.cloud Domain Transfers:

The .cloud domain transfer process is relatively simple. You can initiate the transfer from your Truehost account or contact our support team for assistance.

The same is applied when transferring to us. During the transfer process, your .cloud domain will be moved from your current registrar to Truehost. 

The transfer typically takes 5-7 days to complete. Your services, such as email and website hosting, should not be affected during the transfer process. 

However, it is a good idea to back up your data before initiating the transfer. Once the transfer is complete, you will receive a confirmation email from Truehost.

We accept these transfers:

  1. Transfer into Truehost.
  2. Transfer away from Truehost.
  3. Transfer in between your Truehost accounts.

Refund and Cancellations:

Our refund policy covers .cloud domain registrations. If you are not satisfied with your .cloud domain, you can cancel it.

Canceling the .cloud domain will deactivate it. For refunds or cancellations, contact our support team.

The rise of cloud computing is undeniable. As businesses and individuals move their operations online, a .cloud domain offers a chance to stand out. 

It’s a clear, memorable address that instantly communicates your expertise in the cloud space.  In a crowded online world, a .cloud domain cuts through the noise.

It attracts tech-savvy clients and establishes you as a leader in the ever-evolving cloud landscape. Don’t be stuck in the past with a generic .com.

Embrace the future and claim your .cloud domain today!

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