register domain @ 900 KES Pay No More

Truehost Kenya and other unscrupulous domain registration companies and web hosting, cloud hosting companies in Kenya are charging that. KES 900 only

Why Should you pay more ?

Save Kes 100 or so for another day

If you just need to spend at least KES 1000 then you can spend at TrueHost Kenya and have 100 KES saved on your account for a rainy day.

You can also buy some addon with the KES 100; addon like facebook likes, social media promotion, SMS, e.t.c all at Truehost Kenya.

We charge KES 900 for a because its the fairest price today.

Register your domain at Truehost Kenya today.

We have the best of Website, Email, Cloud Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Servers in Kenya and Africa at Large.

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