Service Plans and Subscriptions in Plesk



Service plans and subscriptions in plesk

Every business have a set of resources to offer to the customers while selling them web hosting services. To receive the services, customers subscribe to the plan for the resources they want.

Its possible to host multiple domains under one single subscription although this limits the domain to one IP address and also SSL certificate hence limit in future growth. A subscription can be switched to different service plans ,and also a subscription with its service plan can be removed completely.

Properties of hosting plans/ add-ons and subscriptions.

The resources offered by a hosting provider do have an outlined validity period, and policy on use of the features that come with the subscriptions.For instance policy on sub-domains, emails,disk space. They also specify limits that may affect the performance of the plan.

In plesk there are three service plans;hosting and add-ons and re-seller.

Actually the hosting package maybe complete as per the subscription made or have add-ons as additional services. There are custom buttons in plesk that modify additional services.

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