Guides,Hosting,SEO,web design,Web Services .KE Domain Extensions in Kenya

.KE Domain Extensions in Kenya

.KE Domain Extensions in Kenya post thumbnail image

There are about .ke domain extension provided by KENIC through the accredited domain registrar companies.

Each extension serves a different purpose, though the customer is at liberty to choose any domain extension for his business apart from the controlled domains.

Extensions include:

This is an extension intended for commercial entities or companies in Kenya just like .com at an international level.

Intended for not for profit organizations or NGO’s located in Kenya, just like .org on an international level.

This is a special domain extension intended for network devices, just like .net on an international level

This is a special extension intended for personalized blogs, websites and emails just like .me on international level

An extension that is reserved for mobile websites or mobile content just like .mobi on an international level

This is a domain extension provided specifically for information provider’s entities in Kenya just like .info at an international level.


Controlled Domain Extensions – require supporting Documents

There are three domain extensions in Kenya whose registration is controlled, in other words a client is expected to provide some supporting documents for the registration process to go through. These domains include:

This is a domain extension reserved for governmental bodies and agencies in Kenya just like .gov. In addition to the Body or Agency providing an official request, the process is handled by ICT Authority of Kenya.

This is another controlled domain extension reserved for institutions of higher learning; they include tertiary institutions, colleges, and universities, in Kenya just like .edu at a global level. Supporting documents in additional to a request by the institution have to be submitted for the process to go through. Supporting Documents include; a letter or certificate of registration from ministry of education as an institution of higher learning.

This is another controlled domain extension reserved for lower and middle institutions of learning such as low grade, primary schools, and secondary schools in Kenya. Supporting documents required for the registration to go through include:

An official request from the institution requesting

A copy of registration certificate or letter from the ministry of education.

All supporting documents must bear the name of the registering body and with classification matching the intended category for the domain.

Now you know choose your domain wisely.

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.KE Domain Extensions in Kenya

.KE Domain Extensions in Kenya post thumbnail image

There are about .ke domain extension provided by KENIC through the accredited domain registrar companies.

Each extension serves a different purpose, though the customer is at liberty to choose any domain extension for his business apart from the controlled domains.

Extensions include:

This is an extension intended for commercial entities or companies in Kenya just like .com at an international level.

Intended for not for profit organizations or NGO’s located in Kenya, just like .org on an international level.

This is a special domain extension intended for network devices, just like .net on an international level

This is a special extension intended for personalized blogs, websites and emails just like .me on international level

An extension that is reserved for mobile websites or mobile content just like .mobi on an international level

This is a domain extension provided specifically for information provider’s entities in Kenya just like .info at an international level.


Controlled Domain Extensions – require supporting Documents

There are three domain extensions in Kenya whose registration is controlled, in other words a client is expected to provide some supporting documents for the registration process to go through. These domains include:

This is a domain extension reserved for governmental bodies and agencies in Kenya just like .gov. In addition to the Body or Agency providing an official request, the process is handled by ICT Authority of Kenya.

This is another controlled domain extension reserved for institutions of higher learning; they include tertiary institutions, colleges, and universities, in Kenya just like .edu at a global level. Supporting documents in additional to a request by the institution have to be submitted for the process to go through. Supporting Documents include; a letter or certificate of registration from ministry of education as an institution of higher learning.

This is another controlled domain extension reserved for lower and middle institutions of learning such as low grade, primary schools, and secondary schools in Kenya. Supporting documents required for the registration to go through include:

An official request from the institution requesting

A copy of registration certificate or letter from the ministry of education.

All supporting documents must bear the name of the registering body and with classification matching the intended category for the domain.

Now you know choose your domain wisely.

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