About .gives Domains

Ever wondered what that string of letters after the dot in a website address means? That’s the domain name, the unique address that helps you find websites.  

Just like stores have street addresses, websites have domain names! The internet is full of creative addresses, and some end in familiar extensions like .com or .org. 

But did you know new extensions are popping up all the time, each with a specific purpose? Today, we’re diving into the world of .gives domains.

What are .gives domains?

Imagine a domain name that instantly tells visitors your website is all about generosity. That’s the power of a .gives domain!  

These domains are specifically designed for websites dedicated to giving back, like philanthropy, charitable causes, or volunteer opportunities.

Think of it as a digital flag waving for good.  Anyone can use a .gives domain, including:

  • Non-profit organizations
  • Charitable foundations
  • Socially responsible businesses with philanthropic arms
  • Volunteer networks

Registration and restrictions:

While .gives domains offer a clear benefit, the registration process itself is typically no different from registering any other domain extension. 

You can use any domain registrar and follow their standard procedures. In terms of restrictions, there usually aren’t any special requirements for registering a .gives domain. 

This makes it accessible for a wider range of organizations compared to some extensions with specific eligibility criteria.

However, keep in mind that:

  • The minimum is 1 and a maximum of 63 characters for the domain. 
  • These are allowed characters: letters (a-z), numbers ( 0-9), hyphens (-),  
  • Spaces, commas, and other special characters are not allowed.


Domain cost: This is the initial fee you pay to register your .gives domain name. Prices can vary but Truehost offers $7.03 per year.

Renewal fees: Domain registrations are temporary and require regular renewals to retain ownership. Renewal fees comparable to or exceeding the initial cost.

Transfer fees: If you decide to switch domain registrars at some point, there might be a transfer fee involved. This fee covers the cost of moving your domain name to the new registrar.

Other extra costs:

The base price is your .gives domain registration. But you might want some extras:

  • Privacy Protection: Keeps your info hidden from prying eyes (like address and phone number).
  • Email Hosting: This lets you create custom email addresses like “info@[your-website.gives]”.
  • Hosting: Stores your domain and website files and without it you’ll need to pay a little extra to ensure your domain is live.

These extras usually cost a bit extra each month or year, depending on the registrar.

Refunds, and cancellations:

While cancellation policies may vary depending on your registrar,  .gives domains are designed for long-term giving initiatives.  

For any questions, consult our support team.

Unlike .blog domains, which are great for sharing personal stories, .gives domains are perfect for organizations dedicated to making a difference. 

A .gives domain instantly tells the world your website is about charitable causes, volunteer opportunities, or philanthropy.

These domains offer a chance to align online presence with purpose-driven messages, attracting like-minded visitors and fostering community.

Ready to make a difference online?  Head over to our homepage and explore the possibilities of a .gives domain!  It’s a simple step towards a world of giving.

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