About .soccer Domains

Did you know that over 4 billion people around the world follow the beautiful game? Soccer, or football as it’s known in many countries, transcends cultures and languages, uniting fans in a shared passion. 

If you’re one of those passionate individuals with a soccer-related website, a .soccer domain could be your game-changer.

What are .soccer Domains?

A .soccer domain is a specialized Top-Level Domain (TLD) designed specifically for the global soccer community. 

Think of TLDs as the suffixes at the end of web addresses, like .com or .org. A .soccer domain instantly tells visitors your website is dedicated to all things soccer, offering a clear and concise online identity.

A .soccer domain is a specialized signpost within this landscape, pointing directly to your soccer-focused website. 

These domains were launched in 2014, offering a unique and targeted way for soccer-related entities to establish their online presence.

.soccer Availability and Registration:

.soccer domains are open for registration to anyone, including individuals, clubs, organizations, and businesses.

The process of registering a .soccer domain is straightforward and similar to registering a regular domain. You can purchase a .soccer domain through accredited domain registrars like us.

What are the restrictions?

  • Domain length: .soccer domains must be between 3 and 63 characters in length.
  • Allowed characters: The following characters are allowed: letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-).
  • Not allowed characters: Spaces, special characters (*&^%$#@!+=), and internationalized domain names (IDNs) are not allowed.


Registration Fees: The registration fee for a .soccer domain is $18.25 per year.

Renewal Fees: Renewal fees are similar to registration fees. It’s important to renew your domain name on time to maintain ownership and avoid losing your online presence.

Transfer Fees: If you wish to transfer your .soccer domain from one registrar to another, a transfer fee of $17.84 is applied.


Transferring .soccer domains is easy. Contact your new registrar and provide relevant information. Your existing registrar will verify and seek confirmation. 

Once authorized, the transfer takes 5-7 days to complete. Website and services may experience interruptions as the DNS settings update.

We support these transfers:

  • Transfer to Truehost.
  • Transfer away from Truehost.
  • Transfer into another Truehost account.

.soccer Refunds and cancellations:

.soccer domains are subject to our refund and cancellation policies. Ensure to review it more to understand what happens.

You may cancel your .soccer domain registration at any time. To cancel your domain, please contact our support team.

In the digital age, having a clear and relevant online identity is paramount. A .soccer domain offers a unique opportunity to carve your niche within the global soccer community. 

It fosters trust, boosts searchability, and connects you with a passionate audience. So, don’t just be a fan on the sidelines.

Register your .soccer domain today and take your online presence to the championship level. Remember, in the beautiful game of online success, a .soccer domain is your golden boot.

Grab it today from us!

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