How To Backup A Website At Hostinger

To create a backup of the content stored in your hosting account, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the “Websites” section and select “Manage” to access your website management interface.

2. Look for the “Backups” option in the sidebar and click on it.

3. Within the backups section, locate the “Generate new backup” area and click on the “Select” button adjacent to it.

4. Proceed by clicking on “Continue” to initiate the backup process. Allow some time for the system to prepare the backup.

5. Once completed, both your Files and Databases will be backed up and ready for use. You can choose to download them to your device or perform a restoration when needed.

Please keep the following notes in mind:

– The duration of the backup generation process may vary depending on the number of websites hosted in your account.

– It is important to note that you can generate a new backup once every 24 hours. This restriction ensures efficient resource utilization and maintains the integrity of the backup system.

By following these instructions, you can easily create backups of your hosting account content, enabling you to safeguard your data and facilitate seamless restoration when necessary.

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