About .country Domains

Domain names serve as unique addresses for websites on the internet. Traditionally, extensions like “.com” or “.org” have been used to navigate online destinations. 

However, with the growth of the internet, new ways to identify websites are emerging, including .country domains. 

These extensions provide websites with an opportunity to showcase their local connection. “.country” domains are like virtual flags on the internet, indicating a website’s geographic focus. 

ICANN oversees these extensions and ensures smooth information flow. 

.country Eligibility Requirements:

.cuntry domains can be registered by anyone, and they are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. However, here are some restrictions to keep in mind:

  1. Domain length:

Minimum length: 3 characters

Maximum length: 63 characters

  1. Allowed Characters:

Letters (a-z, A-Z)

Numbers (0-9)

Hyphens (-)

  1. Not Allowed Characters


Underscores (_)

Periods (.)

Other special characters

  1. Other Restrictions

Domain names cannot start or end with a hyphen.

Domain names cannot contain duplicate hyphens.

Domain names are not case-sensitive.


  • Registration fees: The initial registration fee for a .country domain is $2,500.
  • Renewal fees: Domain registration is typically valid for one year, and it must be renewed annually to maintain ownership. The renewal fee is similar to registration fees.
  • Transfer fees: If you want to transfer a .country domain from one registrar to another, there may be a transfer fee involved. The transfer fee is the same as the registration fee.

Transferring a .country domain involves several steps: initiating the process with the new registrar, who then contacts the current registrar for approval. 

After the current registrar’s confirmation, the transfer is completed upon the recipient’s confirmation via email. 

The new registrar then assumes responsibility for the domain name. We allow these transfers:

  1. Transfer into Truehost from another host.
  2. Transfer away from Truehost to a different host.
  3. Transfer in between your Truehost accounts.

Refunds and Cancellations:

Consider reading our refund policies to have a better understanding. However, refunds are available for different services.

To cancel your .country domain registration, please contact our support team. Cancellations will take effect immediately.

.country domains offer websites a distinctive approach to highlighting their local connection. With 2-letter extensions and oversight by ICANN and local authorities, these domains are a valuable asset for businesses targeting a specific country.

Ultimately, the best domain extension for your website depends on your target audience and goals.  If a global reach is your aim, a generic extension like .com might be ideal.  

But if you want to shout your local pride and connect with a specific country, a .country domain could be the perfect fit.

Carefully consider your website’s purpose and target audience before choosing your domain extension.  

With the right choice, you can create a memorable online address that resonates with your visitors.

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