About .marketing Domains

Imagine your website address screaming “marketing expertise” before visitors even click. That’s the power of a  .marketing domain! 

Do you know the “.com” at the end of a web address? A  .marketing domain works the same way, but specifically for marketing pros.

A .marketing domain is like a regular website address but has a special ending: .marketing instead of the usual “.com” or “.net”.

Think of it as your online megaphone, declaring to the world: “This website is all about marketing!”

Availability and Registration:

Great news! Unlike some domain extensions, there are no restrictions on who can register a .marketing domain. 

Whether you’re a seasoned marketing agency or a solo consultant just starting, you can claim your  .marketing turf.


Now that you know anyone can grab one, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Allowed Characters: You can use letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-) to create your .marketing domain name.
  • Not Allowed Characters: Spaces, underscores (_), and other special characters aren’t allowed.
  • Domain length must be between 1-63 characters long.

Why the .marketing?

  1. Crystal Clear Branding: A .marketing domain instantly tells visitors your website is marketing-focused. It’s like having a neon sign flashing “Marketing HQ” before they even click.
  2. SEO Potential: Search engines might give a slight SEO boost to websites with relevant domain extensions. A .marketing domain shows search engines (and visitors!) exactly what you do.
  3. Memorable Magic: People remember things that are different and relevant. A .marketing domain is both! It’s catchy and sticks in people’s minds, making it easier for them to find you again later.
  4. Future-Proofing: The marketing landscape constantly evolves, but a .marketing domain stays relevant. It shows you’re prepared for whatever comes next, at the forefront of your field.

Costs and Transfers:

While .marketing domains offer unique advantages, it’s important to consider the cost.  Registration fees can vary depending on the registrar you choose.

Get started at Truehost for as low as $6.99.  Renewal costs can also differ, ensure to factor that in when deciding where to settle.

Already have a website but want to switch to a .marketing domain? Don’t worry, transferring your domain is possible! However, it costs you some dimes.

Keep this in mind:

  1. Initiating the Transfer: You must unlock your domain at your current registrar and obtain a transfer authorization code. Then, start the transfer process with your new .marketing registrar.
  2. The Waiting Game: Transferring a domain typically takes 5 to 7 days for completion.
  3. Before You Transfer: Ensure your domain is at least 60 days old and not currently in the renewal grace period. Also, double-check that your contact information is up-to-date to avoid hiccups during the transfer.

Refunds and cancellations:

Remember,  every domain registrar has its own refund and cancellation policies.  These can vary depending on the service and the specific situation.  

Here’s a quick heads-up:

Before you register your domain, carefully review our refund and cancellation policy. This will outline what happens if you need to cancel your domain or request a refund.

What happens when you cancel?

If you cancel your domain name renewal, the following occurs:

  • Domain Goes Inactive: Your domain will become inactive after the registration period ends.
  • Grace Period: There’s a grace period (usually around 30 days) where you can renew your domain at the standard rate.
  • Domain Up for Grabs: If you don’t renew within the grace period, the domain will be released back into the domain pool and anyone can register it.

So, there you have it!  .marketing domains offer a unique way for marketing professionals to stand out online and scream their expertise from the rooftops (or rather, domain names!).

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your perfect .marketing domain from us! Remember to consider registration costs, renewals, and transfer processes.

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