About .email Domains

Hey there, email enthusiasts! Have you ever seen someone with an email address that ends in ‘.email’ instead of the usual ‘.com’ or ‘.net’? 

We’re here to spill the tea on all things .email domains!

What’s the deal with .email Domains?

 .email domain is a top-level domain (TLD) specifically designed for email addresses. It provides an unambiguous way to communicate the purpose of an email address, making it instantly recognizable as an email address.


  • Clarity: Have you ever had someone struggle to remember whether your email is “@gmail” or “@yahoo”? With “.email,” there’s no confusion. This address is for emails and nothing else. Boom! Instant recognition.
  • Availability: With popular TLDs like “.com”, finding a unique username can be challenging. “.email” is a newer TLD, increasing the chances of securing the desired username.
  • Professionalism: Want to show the world you’re tech-savvy and up-to-date? A “.email” address can help with that. It conveys a modern and innovative image, perfect for personal branding or small businesses.
  • Tech-Savvy Image Boost: The .email domain conveys innovation, modernity, and tech-savviness. It benefits freelancers and entrepreneurs who want to showcase a tech-forward online presence.

Availability and Registration:

“.email” domains are available for registration through various domain registrars. The registration process is similar to registering a domain with a traditional TLD like “.com” or “.net.”

Here are the registration restrictions to remember:

Domain Length: Minimum length: 3 characters and maximum length: 63 characters

Allowed Characters: Letters (a-z, A-Z), Numbers (0-9), and Hyphens (-).

Not Allowed Characters: Spaces, Underscores (_), and Other special characters (e.g., %, &, *, etc.).

Other Restrictions:

  • The domain name cannot start or end with a hyphen (-).
  • Consecutive hyphens (–) are not allowed.
  • Domain names cannot contain dictionary words that are considered offensive or inappropriate.

.email Domain costs:

Registering a .email domain will cost you only $4.64 for a year. Renewing the domain for the same time is $21.82.


Transfers involving changing registrars for your domain services. This service will cost you $21.41 and takes a few days to complete.

Remember that domain-related services like emails will be temporarily unavailable. Ensure to keep communication between the registrars for a smooth process.

.email Refunds and Cancellations:

.email domain refunds are subject to our refund policy. Please review it for more information, and contact the support team for any queries.

Cancellations are straightforward too, contact our support team and let them help you. Remember that once canceled the domain becomes unavailable.

“.email” domains present an innovative alternative to conventional email addresses, bringing clarity and modernizing the digital communication landscape.

They leave no room for doubt – the purpose is crystal clear, making those awkward “What’s your email again?” moments a thing of the past. 

Plus, the wider availability of usernames means you can finally snag that perfect, unique address you’ve always wanted. 

And the benefits don’t stop there!  A “.email” domain can also project a tech-savvy image and offer security advantages. 

Bonus points for organization – create separate “.email” addresses for different parts of your life and keep your inbox nice and tidy. 

So, what are you waiting for? Join the “.email” revolution with Truehost and wave goodbye to email ambiguity forever!

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