About .city Domains

Imagine a bustling digital cityscape, where each business has its unique address, reflecting not just what they do, but where they belong. 

Welcome to the world of .city domains! .city domains are more than just an address; they are a statement, a brand, and a direct connection to the heart of city life. 

They serve as a beacon, guiding customers straight to local businesses and city-centric organizations in the vast expanse of the internet.

Well, .city domains are a special type of extension designed for one thing: putting your local business on the map. 

Unlike the broad reach of a .com address, a .city domain instantly tells everyone you’re a local player, proudly rooted in your community.

Registering .city domains:

Registering a .city domain involves a few key steps and considerations:

  1. Checking for availability:

The first step is to check if the desired .city domain is available. This can be done through various domain registration services. 

If the domain is available, you can proceed with the registration process.

  1. Registration period:

Domains are typically registered for a period of one to ten years. You’ll need to decide on the registration period for your .city domain. 

Remember, longer registration periods can often result in cost savings.

  1. Restrictions on domain length and characters:

Domain names must be between 1 and 63 characters long. They can contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-). 

However, the domain name cannot begin or end with a hyphen. Domain names are not case-sensitive, so upper and lower case letters are treated the same.

4. Not allowed characters and names:

Special characters (like &, $, #, @, etc.) are not allowed. Certain domain names may be prohibited due to legal or policy reasons. 

For example, names that infringe on copyrights, or trademarks, or that are considered offensive or inappropriate may not be allowed.

Who benefits from .city domains:

  • Local businesses: From cozy cafes to expert plumbers, a .city domain instantly tells potential customers you’re right around the corner
  • City-based organizations: Chambers of commerce, event planners, and community groups can use a .city domain to showcase their dedication to the city and connect with residents. 
  • Local bloggers and influencers: .city domain adds local appeal to brands, especially food bloggers and fashion enthusiasts, helping them build a strong local presence.
  • Anyone targeting a specific city audience: Do you offer online courses or services focused on a particular city? A .city domain lets you laser-target your audience and build a strong local reputation.

Costs and Transfers for .city domains:

While securing your prime online location in the .city world is exciting, there are a few cost considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Registration: The initial registration fee for a .city domain can vary depending on the registrar you choose but Truehost offers it at $4.64.
  2. Renewals: Just like rent, keeping your .city domain requires annual renewal fees. These fees are usually similar to the initial registration cost or higher.
  3. Transfers: If you already own a domain name with another extension (like .com) and want to switch to a .city domain, you can transfer it. Transfer fees may apply, and the process can involve obtaining an authorization code from your current registrar.

Truehost accepts these transfers: 

  • From another host into Truehost.
  • Away from Truehost to another host.
  • In between your Truehost accounts.

Cancellations and Refunds:

While a .city domain can be a fantastic online asset, there might come a time when you need to let it go.  Here’s a quick rundown on cancellations and refunds:

Cancellation policies: Domain registrars’ cancellation policies outline the procedure and refund eligibility.

Refunds: It’s important to understand that domain name registrations often fall under a “no-refund” category. However, our refund policies explain more about this.

Ready to take your local presence to the next level? Securing your .city domain is a breeze. Simply choose us.

The .city domain provides a straightforward registration process. It enables businesses to connect with their local audience and stand out.

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