About .audio Domains

Imagine your website address being a neon sign that instantly announces what you’re all about. Pretty cool, right? Well, with a .audio domain, that’s exactly what you get!

Think of a domain name as your online address. It’s where people find you on the web. But for creators in the audio world, a generic “.com” address doesn’t quite capture the vibe, does it? 

That’s where .audio domains come in – they’re like a bullhorn for your audio expertise! Think of .audio domains as these super cool, new additions to the internet world. 

They’re website addresses that end in “.audio” instead of the usual “.com” or “.net.”  Imagine it as a special badge that lets everyone know your website is all about sound, music, podcasts – anything that tickles the eardrums!

Why choose a .audio domain?

  1. Crystal Clear Branding:  Slap on a “.audio” ending, and visitors instantly know you’re in the audio game. It’s like having a neon sign screaming “Audio awesomeness here!”
  2. Attract Your Tribe:  Audiophiles, musicians, podcast junkies – they’ll all be drawn to your site like moths to a flame. It’s a shortcut to connecting with your ideal audience.
  3. Stand Out from the Crowd:  The web is flooded with “.com” addresses. A .audio domain lets you break free from the pack and show off your unique audio identity.
  4. Easy Registration: Buying and registering a .audio domain is a simple process. Check its availability, add it to your cart, and register it for up to 10 years.

Purchase and registration:

Alright, you’re sold on the power of .audio domains! Now, how do you grab one for yourself? It’s pretty straightforward.

There are things to keep in mind before registering the domain:

  • Domain name length should be between 1-63 characters long.
  • Allowed characters are: Letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens, (-) though shouldn’t appear at the start or end of the domain name.
  • Fancy symbols like & or # are off-limits for .audio domains. Keep it simple.

Here’s the lowdown:

  1. Domain Registrars:  

Think of these guys as the shopkeepers of the internet. They sell domain names, including .audio ones. There are many out there, but Truehost offers the best deals!

  1. Finding your perfect audio address: 

This is the fun part! Brainstorm a name that reflects your audio passion. Keep it short, catchy, and easy to remember. 

Most registrars have search tools to see if your dream domain is available.

  1. Registering your domain:  

Once you’ve found the perfect .audio address, the registration process is usually a breeze. It’s like renting a piece of internet real estate for your website. 

The registrar will guide you through the steps, which typically involve setting up an account and paying a fee. Some registrars offer deals on domain registration, so it might be worth shopping around a bit to find the best price.


It’s important to note that .audio domains can be a bit more expensive than some common domain extensions like .com or .net.

But the increased visibility and branding power they offer for audio-focused creators can be worth the investment!

The cost of a .audio domain is separate from hosting costs. It’s relatively affordable, considering the benefits.


.audio domains can be transferred and Truehost supports the following transfers:

  • Transfers to Truehost
  • Transfers away from Truehost
  • Transfer to another Truehost Account.

However, you have to contact the support team to ensure the process is smooth.


Renew your .audio domain regularly; it may cost more than a regular domain, but it is worth it to keep your online presence. 

Refunds and cancellations:

Domain name registrations differ from shirt purchases as refunds are rare. Some registrars provide a brief window for refunds.

.audio domains are beneficial for audio professionals. They can set you apart online, attract audiences, and are easy to register.

 Remember to renew for a strong online presence. Ready to make some sonic waves online? Grab your perfect .audio domain and get ready to rock the web!

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