About .trade Domains

In today’s digital landscape, a strong online presence is no longer a luxury, it’s a lifeline. But with a sea of .com and .net addresses flooding the web, how can your trade business truly stand out?

Enter the .trade domain extension – your secret weapon for carving a niche in the digital marketplace.

The internet landscape has evolved with the introduction of .trade domains, which are specifically tailored to the trade industry. 

The .trade domain provides a distinctive online presence and increased reliability for businesses. Choosing a .trade domain goes beyond simply having an address. Here’s how it empowers your business:

  • Instant credibility: A .trade extension instantly conveys professionalism and specialization within the trade community. It tells potential partners and customers you’re a serious player in the industry.
  • SEO advantage: Search engines often consider domain relevance when ranking websites. A .trade domain acts as a relevant keyword, potentially boosting your search visibility for trade-related searches.
  • Memorable impact: In a sea of generic .com addresses, .trade stands out. It creates a unique and memorable online identity that stays with potential customers.
  • Standing out from the crowd: The crowded online marketplace can be overwhelming for potential customers. A .trade domain instantly differentiates your business from generic competitors, making you the clear choice for their trade needs.

Registration and eligibility:

The .trade domain is open for registration on a first-come, first-served basis, making it accessible to all.

This opens doors for businesses of all nationalities to establish a strong online presence within the global trade community.

Here are a few basic registration guidelines to ensure a smooth process:

  1. Character count: Your .trade domain name can be anywhere from 3 to 63 characters long. 
  2. Character alphabet: Stick to letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9) when crafting your domain name. This ensures global compatibility and avoids any potential display issues.
  3. Special characters off limits: Unfortunately, fancy symbols and special characters like & or # are not allowed in .trade domain names. 
  4. Hyphens: They’re not allowed in the third or fourth position. For example, “global-trade.trade” works, while “globa-ltrade.trade” wouldn’t.

Costs and Transfers:

The cost of registering a .trade domain varies depending on the registrar you choose. However, only pay $4.74 for one year on Truehost.

You can transfer an existing .trade domain to a new registrar if you are not satisfied with your current provider. 

The transfer process usually takes a few days to complete. Here are some things to keep in mind when transferring a .trade domain:

  • Make sure that your domain is unlocked at your current registrar.
  • Obtain the authorization code (EPP code) from your current registrar.
  • Initiate the transfer process with your new registrar.
  • Make sure to keep your domain’s DNS records up to date during the transfer process to avoid any downtime.

Refunds and cancellations:

You can cancel your domain registration at any time. However, you will not be refunded for the unused portion of your registration.

To request a cancellation, please contact our support team. The trade landscape is rapidly shifting online, and a .trade domain is your passport to success. 

Don’t settle for generic – stand out from the crowd and empower your business with a targeted, memorable online presence.

By claiming a .trade domain, businesses can project themselves as credible players in the trade industry, attracting potential partners and customers.

It represents a commitment to growth and engagement in the global trade ecosystem. Visit our homepage and grab yours today.

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