About .info Domains

.info domains, introduced in 2001, are versatile gTLDs like .com, .org, and .net. Initially meant for informative websites, they gained global popularity for various purposes.

Specific Uses:

While initially aimed at informative websites, .info domains are now used for a broader range of purposes, including:

  • Businesses: Use them to share product information, offer customer support, or run informational blogs.
  • Organizations: They create online communities, showcasing research findings or providing educational resources.
  • Individuals: Building personal portfolios, sharing creative works, or establishing online identities.

History of .info Domains:

.info domains, launched in 2001, were designed for informational sites initially but have since been widely adopted. 

These domains are managed by Afilias to provide more choices for users amid growing demand and to reduce pressure on .com.

Advantages of Using .info Domains:

Strategic Advantages:

  • Clarity: The “.info” extension explicitly communicates your website’s focus on information, instantly conveying professionalism and expertise.
  • Credibility: The association with information builds trust with users, who perceive your website as a reliable source.
  • Flexibility: Unlike restricted domains like .edu, .info domains have no specific content restrictions, allowing you to adapt to evolving needs.

Benefits over Other Extensions:

  • Availability: Compared to saturated extensions like .com, finding a unique and memorable .info domain is often easier and more affordable.
  • Global Appeal: The “.info” extension is understood across languages and cultures, making your website accessible to a broader audience.

What are the requirements and restrictions?

While .info domains offer flexibility, there are some requirements and restrictions to keep in mind:

Registration Requirements:

  1. Domain Name:
  • It must be between 3 and 63 characters long.
  • It can contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-).
  • Hyphens cannot be used at the beginning or end of the name.
  • It cannot contain special characters like #, $, or &.
  • Must be unique and not already registered.
  1. Registrant Information:

You must provide accurate contact information, including name, address, email, and phone number.

Some registrars may require additional verification, like ID proof.

  1. Payment:

You need to pay the registration fee set by the registrar.

  1. Restrictions:

Content: While initially intended for information-focused websites, there are no specific content restrictions for .info domains. However, illegal or harmful content is still prohibited.

Trademark Infringement: You cannot register a domain name that infringes on someone else’s trademark.

Domain Name Disputes: If there is a dispute over a domain name, it may be resolved through arbitration or legal action.

Registration period and Renewals:

Registration Period:

You can register a .info domain for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years at a time.

Most registrars offer various registration periods within this range, allowing you to choose the duration that best suits your needs.

The longer the registration period you choose, the cheaper the yearly cost often becomes.


It’s crucial to renew your .info domain before it expires to avoid losing access.

Renewal period: You receive a 30-day grace period after your domain expires to renew it. However, renewing before expiration is highly recommended to avoid disruptions.

Renewal fees typically vary slightly from registration fees but are generally in the same price range.

Automatic renewals: Most registrars can set up automatic renewals, ensuring your domain never expires unintentionally.

What about .info domain transfers?

Truehost supports the following transfers:

  • Transfers to Truehost
  • Transfers away from Truehost
  • Transfer to another Truehost Account.

Refunds and cancellations:

Cancel your .info domain by contacting our support team. .info domains are reliable, affordable, and recognized globally.

Professionals seeking a robust online presence will find them ideal. Businesses and individuals value their versatility.

Start your venture today with a .info domain! Ideal for blogs, resumes, and personal pages.

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