About .autos Domains

Are you in the automotive industry? Are you looking for a domain name that perfectly represents your business? Look no further! 

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of .autos domains. We’ll dive into what they are, who can register them, the registration process, restrictions, costs, and more. 

Buckle up, because your online presence is about to get a turbo boost!

What are .autos domains?

The .autos domain extension is tailor-made for automotive enthusiasts, dealerships, manufacturers, and service providers. 

It’s like having a license plate for your website! Plus, it sounds cool, doesn’t it? But what does it mean? Well, “autos” is the Spanish word for “cars.” 

So, if you’re targeting Latin American or Spanish-speaking car buyers, this domain is your highway to success.

Who can register them?

Anyone in the automotive industry can grab a .autos domain. Whether you’re a car dealership, a mechanic, a parts supplier, or a car blogger, this domain is for you.

It’s universally understood, making it a powerful tool for branding and marketing campaigns. As long as the domain name you desire is available, you can claim your spot in the fast lane of online visibility.

Is the registration easy?

Absolutely! Registering a .autos domain is a smooth ride. Truehost Cloud offers a user-friendly interface that guides you through the process. 

Search for your desired domain name, choose your registration period (typically 1-10 years), and follow the on-screen instructions.

It’s a quick and painless way to secure your online identity. There are a few minor roadblocks to keep in mind during registration:

  • Domain Length: Your .autos domain must be between 3 and 63 characters long. This gives you plenty of flexibility to choose a memorable and descriptive name.
  • Allowed Characters: You can use letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-) in your domain name
  • Not allowed characters: Spaces, special characters, and emojis, as these are not allowed.
  • Restricted Names: Certain generic terms like “admin” and trademark infringement are restricted.  

Costs associated with .autos for a year:

Registration fees: $1.42.

Renewal: $11.62.

Transfers: $11.72.


Truehost Cloud offers an easy domain migration process with minimal downtime and expert guidance. Your email addresses, website data, and settings remain unchanged, ensuring a smooth transfer.

We accept these transfers:

  1. Transfer into Truehost from another host.
  2. Transfer away from Truehost.
  3. Transfer between your Truehost accounts.

Please note that expired domains can’t be transferred; they must be active.

.autos Refunds and Cancellations:  

Since domain names are unique digital assets, refunds are generally not available once a domain is registered. 

Here is the refund policy that outlines specific scenarios where a refund might be considered.  Review our refund policy before making a purchase.

Canceling your domain name is a simple process that can be initiated through our user-friendly support portal. 

In the competitive world of automotive online presence, a .autos domain is the perfect tool to set yourself apart.  

We offer a secure and reliable platform for .autos domain registration, with easy registration, competitive pricing, and excellent support.

Ready to take the wheel and drive your brand forward? Visit Truehost Cloud today and explore our wide selection of .autos domains.  

With us, you’ll be cruising down the digital highway in style, attracting more customers and achieving your automotive business goals!

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