HOW TO SECURE A VPS: Updating Softwares


Outdated Software has been pegged as the biggest Cyber Security Threat in modern times. Therefore, the next step in securing your VPS is ensuring regular software updates.

Now keeping up with the daily and regular software updates can be an overwhelming task. We need to automate the process and reduce the task to a manageable level.

The automation service in Linux is called CRON. We will set rules and a job for the CRON services.
To do this we use the /etc/crontab file that is used to store these cronjobs. To read on about cron you can access this guide.

This is a job for daily software updates at midnight. We add this in the file /etc/crontab

* 00 * * * /usr/bin/yum update -y

Lastly restart the Cron Service.

#systemctl restart crond

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